Monday, April 04, 2016

Dream Interpretation & a Neptune Transit

This morning I dreamt I was walking through a city of sorts.  My older sister and I were going to take our familiar short cut, under the heavy metal gate blocking and underground tunnel.  This scene was actually only one of a longer dream involving going to an amphitheater for some performance and someone else claiming they also had a ticket to my same seat.  Turns out they had it the night before and had just hoped to use it again tonight, trying to coerce me out of it.  My sister and I moved seats, because it wasn't full and it was no big deal.  Had it been sold out, that would have had a different outcome. 

But back at the gate, walking home through the city from the performance, we lifted up the gate to slip through and instead paused.  Something was down there. I crouched down so that I could see below the ceiling where the tunnel descended under the city and what I saw disturbed me.  There was a large square-ish machine that was patrolling the walkway, a robot device.  My instincts told me the tunnel wasn't safe anymore. We let the gate down and after a quick exchange with my sister, we left on foot the long way through the city streets.


Recording my dreams is something I learned most acutely from books written about Edgar Cayce readings.  I've heard it suggested by many a source, but this one hit home the hardest.  Cayce, while sleeping and foretelling at least, was a huge proponent for recording and analyzing dreams.  He wanted everyone to take it up, because it was a way to get in tune with one's higher self and develop spiritually.  

For a long while I was really good at recording my dreams. It took me an entire year to search book stores for the perfect dream symbol interpretation book.  I was looking for a particular symbol, the snake, with a particular meaning.  I figured if I found the book included that alternate symbolism, then it was potentially the right book for me.  All the while, I was recording every dream I could.  

When I found the book, it taught me how to assign meanings to the people who appeared in my dreams.  That was a huge "key" to unlocking the meanings of my dreams.  The people you know elicit a general "feeling" and their appearance in your dreams indicates the energy-feeling is at play and not so much the person him/herself.  The people are also symbols.  

My sister represents making order out of chaos to me.  She was with me at the amphitheater, which I'm sure has a possible meaning I can look up in my dream book for deeper insight.  The stranger who said my seat was really hers was stretching the truth.  She wasn't annoyingly confrontational, but doesn't it take some gull to approach someone to move when you know you're fibbing?  Or did she really believe she had some claim to it like it was a two-day ticket and the seat oversold?  Who knows what some people believe or tell themselves to justify things.  It was an inconvenience to have to deal with the situation, but I solved it by moving to empty seats - because it was a win-win.

With the tunnel, it was a more sinister kind of reason why I had to make an adjustment.  It was the tunnel situation that left the strongest impression on me upon waking.  It was a reminder that things have changed and I will be making different decisions than I once was able to make.  Even the whole idea of the tunnel, a shortcut passage underground, suggests something I haven't quite put my finger on yet.  I'll look that up in my book as well.

Cayce reminded us that the more we give attention to our dreams, the more our dreams will reveal to us as that bond is made ever stronger by our attention to our higher selves.  I've gotten away from recording my dreams through the years.  But there is still a strong dreamset each night.  Like Tarot, it is a natural tool for receiving the messages of the higher self.  Tarot I still practice; dream interpretation, I have gotten away from and yet still see so much value there.  

Especially now, when my world has been turned upside down and shaken out.  Dreams may help me find a new way through the rubble.  (To be clear, my world being turned upside down has nothing to do with spaceman, we are quite good.)

A friend turned me on to a specific transit that is happening in the sky right now.  Knowing a little about astrology myself, I put two and two together and realized it's kind of a major long-term-ish thing for me right now.  I mentioned it to her and she sent some links with some pretty cool interpretations, so specific!

Transiting Neptune is traversing Pisces right now and is conjunct my Mercury in Pisces in the 10th house.  Transiting Neptune is also square my natal Neptune.  

One thing I want to share here (from the square):

"You may feel confused or disoriented and not know which elements of your spiritual views are valid and which are not. You should allow yourself plenty of time to go through this process of re-evaluation and know that a certain amount of confusion is perfectly normal now. You’re building an entirely new life structure that will allow you more freedom of expression in your activities in the world, and these new insights will work their way into your consciousness and become a part of your new reality."
I feel that, acutely. It's a dip into the suppressed realities of earth and the universe. It dishevels one's perceptions, rendering new analysis in light of the new information.  Everything must be reconsidered and that's daunting, tiring, and unavoidable.

Everywhere I look, new challenges to old assumptions arise, like in the dream... the dream conveys that same sense of having to adjust to circumstances.  It's not prophetic, the dream, in any way.  But if I pay more attention to my dreams... the information coming through will improve in quality.  That's what Cayce taught.