Update later on Apr.9: The call came. :'(
I'm waiting for the kind of call no one likes to receive. My aunt was given 24 hrs - 7 days left to live. This news was not sudden. I went to see her Sunday to say my final good-byes, and now I can't even recall saying those exact words. I waved hello -with the strongest, most loving smile I could muster- when she finally looked straight at me... or was it through me? I'm not sure. Maybe words were pointless anyway. She didn't look good. It's time, no doubt. She will pass soon, very soon.
This is my mother's sister, from a matriarchal dominated family line. Not that the men aren't important, but that the women are more prominent. This is my mother's sister. Gawd, I cannot imagine losing one of my sisters!
But of course... mom is older. She has been through dealing with death several times over, having stared it down as it happened. She was there with my grandmother when she passed several years ago. My aunt asked for 3 people, I'm told: her other daughter (one was already present), her mother, and her sister. All three have arrived from out of state and are currently sitting vigil.
It won't be long. Soon the call will come.