Friday, December 18, 2015

The Future?

Synchronicities abound.

Spaceman accidentally added a link to our chat window last night, it was an article "Inside the Tiny Home Movement".  I didn't actually read it, because he immediately told me it was an accidental link. 
spaceman: oh is actually about the tiny home movement! that is freakin wierd

But I did click over and see the title, which reminded me... I started a list of "Things to Do with [spaceman] in February".  On the top of that list is, drum roll....
Watch "Life Off Grid" together

After watching the trailer, he said to me 

THIS gets my blood pumping....this is exactly what I have envisioned for some time now...exaactly

we NEED to watch that one together....I am just so blown away that my vision hasn't scared you off
I simply...doesn't mean living in "poverty" means self-sustainability...and that can include a rich...ornate...lovely that doesn't have to suck the life out of us by worrying about paying for it all of the time!
see I am not talking about a shack...I am wood....granite countertops....state of the art power...hey I am a cancerian....I rich beautiful home os important to me 
I know you are a city girl....but I love you....and I can adopt some of your ways...and you could adopt some of mine? 

Yessss, a sustainable home is both our dreams.  We have so much in common, all over again. <3  And me being a city girl?  That's more like a suburbanite, although I do traipse all over the greater city to "play".  Seriously, all I need is internet, at least occasional internet.  I LOVE the country.  My younger sister lives on a farm and that place is just heaven to me.  

spaceman: I am not a died in the wool country music buff,,,some of it is so twangy and just stupid....but some of it resonates with me...I thought you might like this one

spaceman: think you and I could make roots somewhere like that some day?


  1. The roots part...swoon.
    All of it really, love it all.
    So happy you two are snapping into this groove :)

    1. Thank you, thank you! My first comment lol.

      Plus, yeah... the roots... totally swoonable moment. :)
