Thursday, January 21, 2016


It's official!  When I stepped on the scale this morning, I had breached the 10 lbs lost milestone.  And I had cheesecake for dessert yesterday. Haha  And I was feeling really tired yesterday afternoon and day-dreamed about NOT going to the gym after work.  I went anyway. That makes is extra-special sweet. 

Ten pounds gone!

This morning I decided to pull out a pair of jeans I haven’t worn for about 6 months and wear them to work.  They fit just fine.  Happy me! :)

It took way longer to lose this first 10 lbs than I imagined.  When I started (Nov 30th), I figured I could drop the first 10 in a month.  It’s been 7 ½ weeks.  My metabolism must have been in the gutter.  But, I continued regardless of the slow progress… progress is still progress, however slow.  Here’s the 7 weeks of ups and downs.

I’m not done, not by far.  I would like to drop another 20 for sure, but..  according to Google, I should be 107-140 lbs at 5’3”, which means I should drop more than that!  Grrr.  

I personally would be happy at 150 lbs.  But, I will simply settle where my body naturally settles with my good eating and exercise habits.  Who knows where that will be...

So that’s it!  I’m due a reward of some kind.  I’m thinking a new workout outfit.  But… I’ll probably just get one piece.  So far I have been laundering my workout outfit every night after I go to the gym, so I can have it available for the next day.  Which.. I did not accomplish last night, so no gym tonight.  I’m thinking I will buy a sports bra or a tank top.  Not sure which.  I have a couple pairs of sweatpants to alternate between, so no need for that.  I think I'm going for the tank top.  I will reward myself the sports bra after the next 10 lbs. :)


  1. CONGRATULATUIONS!! Slow and steady...keep up the good work!! <3

    1. Thanks Dana! It's never felt so natural before. I just feel this time is different because it's so non-complicated.

  2. Woohoo!! Good for you! It's hard work, especially when you hit a lull. I started my "way of eating" around the same time as you...and I, too, would be happy around 150, but that's 80 pounds from where I am so it'll be a while! Can you tell me where you got that nifty chart? I'm visual and really enjoy tracking progress that way.

    Keep going! You totally got this!

    1. The chart is from, under reports. I just check-in my weight whenever I happen to weigh myself and then I like to look at that chart. I'm not tracking my food intake there anymore. I changed my "way of eating" ;) as well and I don't feel that needs "tracked" anymore. It just "is". Friend me there if you decide to sign up: imagine_that.

      You may have further to go than I do, but it's the same process and you will get there, especially having changed your "way of eating". That's so important in succeeding, that and exercise. :)
