Sunday, March 06, 2016

Rising World Consciousness Movements

The only noise is the washing machine running in the background, the keyboard clacking as I type, and an occasional dog's nails tapping the wood floor in walking rhythm.  The kids are in their rooms, have been all afternoon, and my brother got up, turned off his TV that runs constantly while he is here, and left the house.  


Times like these are rare.  It allows me to pay attention to what my mind has on it.  And lately that is a solutions-based world order. It keeps coming to my attention, and I am fascinated to see all the ways in which the reality I want to see come forward, is doing just that.

But I also fear that I have delved so far into my latest subject of inquiry that I would not know where to begin, so, to set the stage, I'm going to share 4 examples of organizations that have caught my attention and are implementing solutions toward a more harmonious world. 

These are implmentation-driven movements, all being more or less isolated movements from one another, but all of which, when considering the need to find solutions in so many different aspects of life... well they are are direly needed in the world at this time.

Sustainable Human's Hylo Gift Economy Network

"We live in a highly specialized society, making it difficult for individuals to bring their sustainable ideas to fruition by themselves. The gift economy network is here to fill that gap."

"The mission of Sustainable Human is to assist in creating and promoting a new economic system based on the collective voluntary gifts of everyday people. The goal is to transition from our current, scarcity-based economic system to a new system capable of creating abundance for all. Bypassing the monetary system, we will voluntarily collaborate on projects aimed at creating goods and services that are given freely to the world, helping to create a bottom-up, participatory, global gift economy." 

  Sustainable Human

Michael Tellinger's Unbuntu Contributionism

"We are nearing a time when we need to transition into a new way of life that is beneficial for all life on Earth. Ubuntu philosophy, as favored by the ranking members of the alliance, may be the means of reaching humanity’s utopian future."

"Michael's major contribution to the field of ancient discovery has been delivering the proof of the tools and artifacts that support his scientific findings. He discovered more than 10 million stone ruins that are not dwellings, but energy generating devices. His Torus Stone, that crashed the TSA security systems at DOHA International Airport in July 2013, has sparked the imagination of the global scientific fraternity in the quest for delivering a new free energy device to the people of the world."

"A real-life Indiana Jones, making ground-breaking discoveries about advanced vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa."


Thrive Solutions Hub

"THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future."

Thrive, the movie, was the beginning of the public Thrive movement, and essential to understanding torus forms discussed in Thrive as the basic form of our universe.

Isha Yoga's Inner Engineering

"In the yogic tradition, the word “yoga” is attached only to a complete path leading to self-realization. Isha Yoga is a comprehensive system that integrates the core of yogic science, and springs from the methods disseminated by Adiyogi himself over 15,000 years ago. These ancient technologies have been translated to suit the modern man, allowing millions of people around the world, from every section of society to experience their transformative benefits."

“This life for me is an endeavor to help people experience and express their divinity. May you know the bliss of the Divine.”

– Sadhguru

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