Sunday, May 15, 2016

Wishes Can Come True

There's a song that came on in my music shuffle that I remember both my daughter and I loved singing together and listened repeatedly for a while.  This would have been sometime last year, before spaceman was ready to "leap".  It's a song that's fast-beat, catchy, full of emotion to the end, and a whole lotta fun singing in the car.  But it had another meaning for me.  It was a bit of a wake up call I was putting out to the universe, energetically, more specifically to spaceman.

It was kind of a dare sentiment.  I was feeling every bit of this song and wishing him to know this, consider this, understand this... and come to me.  I have lots of stories. so many stories.  Think of all the stories we could have experienced and can look back and tell when we're old. But this was the period before the decision to get back together... and I was wanting him to see how good we are and choose us.  I loved him no matter what.  I would only seek that which he was also seeking.  If he couldn't believe in us again, I was entirely all in for the friendship-only version of relating with him.  But first, he needed to see the whole me, the me as I experience me... to be utterly myself... and how myself had changed since 10 years ago.  But ultimately I would meet him at whatever level was enough for him.  I don't understand this, because I've never felt so well of a guy before.  The purity of my alignment with the joy of our friendship... it matches no other.  I think that when you find your soulmate, he will enchant in so many ways, normal ways, but so many of them.  And then, a few yowzers of delight.  I also think you can meet them and you can be horrible towards one another in previous lifetimes.  You could have simply missed the boat in so many others.  You may have still others with dharmic purposes ascending alternate paths than romantic love.  But this time..... when it's finally the glory day... when you are one anothers' rewards ceremony... it just feels inexplicably undoubtedly right.  

We are so lucky, and we remind ourselves of this every day.  I started a journal the other day... you know, just ran out of space in the last one and it was time to start a new one.  I told spaceman I like to give a little intention and write it there in the first pages.  I know this next journal will be FILLED with all things spaceman, lol.  So naturally, I wrote a little something about that.  And I shared it with him.

It says:  

"I should be journaling all this some more than I do.  Someday in the future, I'll come back to this journal to reread it with [spaceman]... parts anyway or all of it, depending on his level of interest.  I like what we have going.  In fact, I'm floored, the more I discover the stronger I'm drawn toward him."

There's more, but... after I read this to spaceman, he went on a rampage about how wonderful our love is and told me he feels purpose in our love, that we could do any number of wonderful things together, or maybe... 

"Our purpose could be so simple as loving the CRAP outta each other!!!"

So of course, I had to quote him. haha

And so... 

I'm reminded by the song from my playlist of a time when I was wishing, wanting and hoping, yet getting a little testy lol.  I pushed hard with that energetic wave and hoped he'd see us again how I saw us.

<3 He did, he lept towards us. <3

1 comment:

  1. Go team Merriman! or Spaceiddian! hee hee hee ;) xoxo
