Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Facing Reality

I like a big salad, with lots of tiny bits.  The more variety I can get on each fork-sized mouthful, the better.  The more I eat salad, the better I feel.  But I need variety!  

Today's salad is the 2nd half of the mixed baby lettuce tub from yesterday's salad, with pineapple, mushroom, gala apple, almond slivers and a variety of poppy seed dressing.  

It's not all organic, because I am using up food spaceman's mother sent home with us.  But usually, I vote with my fork and either:
A) grow my own organics, or
B) buy organics

Growing my own is better.  Have you ever compared the taste of an organic store bought tomato to the one you grew in your own backyard?  Trust me, there is no comparison!

Right now we have no produce producing.  And with the extended winter this year, my little early spring garden, even while protected with a hoop house, has failed all but the garlic.  I'll have to plant again.

I'm not sure if it was just the extended cold or also the learning curve of growing under a hoop house.  There's always something to learn!  I'm in year 7 of gardening and I'm still failing at things!

That's just the nature of... well, nature

But a salad every day for lunch... that's my current M.O.  Breakfast is usually either an chocolate almond fruit smoothie (cherries, blueberries, or strawberries) or eggs and avocado sprinkled with Braggs Herb Sprinkle.  Dinner is something spaceman cooks up, usually from scratch - and lately - vegetarian.

I don't eat horribly.  But what I am learning is that no matter how "great" one tries to eat these days, it will not likely be enough to obtain the minerals your body needs because the soil is tainted.  The soil is deprived of nutrition itself.  

I grow organically, but what if my neighbors spray their lawns?  What can I do about it?  Zilch.

I grow organically, in raised beds (we raised the large garden, too, for the most part last fall).  I even collect rain water to water with, but what can I do about the chemtrails poisoning the rainwater?  Zilch.

Look at it for the mass majority of people:  Fluoride binds to magnesium, making it bio-unavailable.  Weed killers contain fluoride.  Your city water more than likely contains fluoride.  (Your toothpaste probably does, too, for that matter.)  In the case of conventional single crop mass agriculture being sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, year after year, not only does the plant contain the chemicals themselves, the soil has very little magnesium not bound up with fluoride.  So, food grown today has far less nutrition than food your parents or grandparents ate growing up.

It's no longer feasible to tell someone to "just eat healthier" and for them to actually obtain the nutrition their body is desperately needing.

Of course, eating well does help.  It's just not enough.  

As a society, we are in that place where the cycle is so complete with being poisoned on so many fronts that it's truly really difficult to be healthy.  

When we're young our bodies are much more resilient, but our children are also being assaulted on levels we never experienced at their ages.  

It's enough to make a person want to pack up and move OFF GRID somewhere remote.  But they're making that illegal in more and more places, too!

In any case, how many of us are not enslaved to our debt, making that a pipe dream anyway?  And as long as we are too busy working to pay our bills, we can't even find time or risk being arrested if we want to join a protest.  

We are being assaulted on so many fronts.  Why?  Are politicians who make city ordinances to fluoridate water, to outlaw camping on your own land, to fine you for growing food on your front lawn... are these the people we should blame?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  It's never as simple as some like to boil it down to.  

The question remains... why all this oppression in the world?

I have suspicions, but what do you think?


  1. Greedy money mongers that dont care to realize that self interest and interest of the whole do not have to be mutually exclusive...that's my abridged version.

    1. I think they realize. They just don't care! grrr

    2. Bunch o'slithering motherfuckers.
