Saturday, September 15, 2018

Postponed Again

Okay, so... I'm just going to vent a bit.  It's benign, nothing big, just annoying.

I had my pod cast interview rescheduled for this morning, and I didn't think (why???) to check my email last night.  She had to cancel due to an unexpected flight to NY.  So... I'm left sitting there at 10 am, headphones on, watching the minutes tick away... and no call, again.

I checked my email and low and behold, she wanted to reschedule for tomorrow morning.  But, I'm deflated.  I woke up early this morning, to shower, get caffeine in me, review the questions and my answers.  I spent the last month working my "let's not get nervous" magic about this coming interview.  I'm introverted in person, and this is very outside my comfort zone.  

But I believe in why I want to do it, and I will do it.  It's just, I'm not going to do it tomorrow morning.  I need some R&R over the weekend, and sitting and trying not to be nervous about this isn't that.  So, I declined for tomorrow.  That's my feel good decision.  I want to be in a good place when I do this interview, and if it never happens.. oh well. But if it does, I want to feel fresh and in a good place about it.  So... I'll let her get her ducks in a row first (she seems busy!), and I'll put this out of my field of influence for a while.  That way it can come back, if at all, with a more positive energy about it.

And that means.... 


1 comment:

  1. 11:11 !!

    Hope you enjoyed YOUR weekend

