Monday, October 21, 2019

The Wedding

The wedding photos are in!  

Please keep in mind we did not hire a professional photographer, so these are candid shots by my brother-in-law.  Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy them. :)

My sister made this sign for us.  I absolutely adore it!

My son walked me from the dressing room up to the back of the shelter.  It was too long of a walk for my father, who has Parkinson's Disease.  It was just barely sprinkling while my son and I walked up, but had quit by the time I made it to the alter. 

My dad, walking me up the aisle 💗

THIS is why we didn't marry in Sedona. 
For Dad! 
I am holding back the tears!

This is a bit blurry, if you zoom in, but I like it anyway.

I love my shoes, flats! No way was I walking in grass in heels.

Also, um... the funniest thing happened during the unity ceremony...  Notice we do NOT have the hurricane glass over the candle.  At first we did, but every time we went to try to light the pillar with our tapers, the wax from the tapers dripped down and put all the flames out! LMAO  Everyone laughed, including us.  Then the inventive Aquarius (me), took the hurricane glass off and wallah
! All lit.

And thank you so much Dana for the unity ceremony words!  They were absolutely perfect!

I can't remember if this is before or after exchanging rings, probably after.  All I kept thinking is why did we make this so long! lol  It really wasn't long, about 20 minutes.  But I was so nervous up in front of everyone.

The Kiss!

Now, married!

Our little family 💗

Our family and their S.O.'s

My Parents

My siblings and parents
Yes, my brother is a funny guy. 👏

My extended family, not all, but most.

And in case you are wondering, where's my husband's family???  They are too elderly to travel, but really wanted to be there.

Mother of the Bride, Bride, Daughter of the Bride

Star of the show, Kozar!  
He wanted to be up at the alter during the ceremony, whined a little bit. lol

My Handsome Groom!

Here are my groom's family, in photos on the gift table.  Best I could do!

Bride and Groom cake (gluten-free, keto-friendly)

Cake for everyone else, full flavor lol.

Do you think he smashed it on my face?!?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Saying This Much

I have so much less to say. 

Things are going really well.  Instead of spending my focus on seeking who I would want to find for me, I now spend it looking for ways to bring our common dreams into being.

That is an incredible blessing.

There was a song I found the other day... on a CD in the console of my car, marked Apr 2013.  I *think* it was Apr? was definitely 2013.

I was waiting in the car for spaceman to run into a store for bait, and forgot my phone at home (smh at how much I use it).  So I started fiddling with the CDs in the console.  There was a period of time in my life, many years, when I would make music CDs of my current favorite songs and label them by the month and year.  This one was from 2013.... before I reconnected romantically with spaceman.

I'll link it down below.  You can listen if you want, or not if you don't want, but if you do... really listen to the lyrics.

It doesn't say it like I'm about to say it, but it tells about lovers who are reunited through the reincarnation process, twin flames if I'm not mistaken.  It's a beautiful song.   And it is among our favorite songs, just decided when he got back in the car and I played it for him on the way to go fishing for the day.  He agrees, it fits us perfect.

The best part is that this song was one I listened to relentlessly in 2013.  It undoubtedly had an influence on what I envisioned for myself, relationship-wise.  And I had no idea back then how it would feel to really live that kind of story.

Anyway, it's things like this, that no one will every truly know how sweet such moments are for us.  Hopefully they have their own sweet moments, but we are truly blessed, and we know it.

Now what to do with this?

Twin flames are back in droves the past few generations.  Now is the time to raise humanity.  But still, everyone must find their unique way, the manner in which service to others is a joyous way to be... however that turns out to be.  I wouldn't know, yet.

The coolest part is that the areas of life where his interests and my interests overlap, is probably where our adventures will lead.  But unfortunately we have so much  in common. lol

Anyway, maybe I'll find some more to say.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Long Overdue Update

It has happened.  I figured out what I wanted, went after my dream, and now I am his wife. 💕  That's some serious manifesting. 😊  He would tell you I was his dream since the first time he laid eyes on me.  I was a bit slow in coming around.  But, that's typical with a twin flame relationship, one or the other is usually The Runner.  

Spaceman and I could not be happier!

One of these days I will obtain the wedding photos and share a few.  Two of my brother-in-laws took care of the photos and video.  The photos are ready for me to go pick up, but the video isn't yet.  

On other topics, my 23 year old son moved out and has a great machinist job.  I think he's working on a laser machine lately.  He's really enjoying the hands-on work.  It seems to fit him very nicely.  

My 20 year old daughter is kicking butt at college. She's completed all her phlebotomy classes and clinicals and just waiting on receiving her certificate before she applies to start working that field.  But ultimately, she wants to be a Sonography technician and is commuting an hour to a different school to do their 2-year program.  She just went for phlebotomy because having a certificate and working in the field gives her a leg up over other applicants to the Sonography program.  But turns out, she's super good at drawing blood from people!  And, she loves it. Not a bad fall-back, eh?  It pays every bit as well as my son's machinist job.  I'm so proud of them both!

Spaceman and I had a really abundant garden this year.  While most folks were complaining the heavy spring rains did their gardens in, ours survived and then flourished.  And due to the longer than usual summer weather (into early fall), we still have tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, jalapenos, and curly kale growing.  Like, it's time to clear the garden, re-apply compost, leaf mulch, and wood chips but... the garden is not ready to be winterized yet.  I heard my order of garlic is about to be shipped out to us, so... yeah, we have to just pull the plug I think.  

We are shopping around for a truck that's just right for us.  We've come across a couple we really like, but haven't yet landed a sale.  We're not looking for a new or late-model truck, so it's a process, shopping around, etc.  I can't wait to have our very own truck to haul wood chips and stuff.  I'm ready to put it to good use already!

I guess that's about it.  I hope life is treating you really well, it sure is us. 😊

Friday, April 05, 2019

Old School Update

I know it's "old school" and sh*t to still be blogging about my life like this.  But hey, that's just me.  Sometimes even a future-centered Aquarius can exhibit old school tendencies. *shrugs*

So, some possible good news:

With Keto, I've gotten off track for a while.  My weight has lingered about 4 lbs higher than the lowest I've achieved in this effort.  I guess it was bound to happen eventually.  But this week I've been working on getting back on track and the body is once again responding.  

I think what sealed my downfall was getting sick. Boy was I sick! I can't recall ever calling off work for 4 days in a row before. But yikes, I was seriously bed-ridden sick. I was so darn sick, I am *still* hacking up crap and it's been a couple weeks since the main illness. But... it's clearing nicely, albeit slowly, and I think soon I'll forget all about this ordeal. Or will I??? 

See, the thing is... my IBS-C seems to be greatly alleviated since I was down and out those 4 days. Whatever "bug" got to me, even though this was a sinus thing and not a digestive tract illness that I went through, it somehow also changed my gut biome to my benefit. (Drainage to gut side effect???)

I don't get it, but the result is fantastic. Though I am now having some digestion upset immediately after eating, my constipation is essentially gone.  I can appreciate what's happening now much more than the C in IBS-C. :) So VERY Happy Happy Joy Joy :D And, I hope the changes don't revert back over time... I mean, I am still hacking so maybe this will go away when that goes away??? But still... when IBS-C hit, it hit over the course of 3 weeks back in 2005. So why not reverse in an equally sudden way? I'll be crossing my fingers.  I'm so DONE with IBS-C! grr lol

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Out with 2018 and in with 2019!

Last night was "normal" and normal is a blessing. <3  Spaceman and I had a single glass of wine, he with his naltrexone pill (opiate blocker) taken 1 hour in advance, which is perfectly acceptable.  We also had some gouda cheese that's a favorite of ours.  We ate and sipped in bed while watching some YouTube videos on space and top 10 this or that short videos.  He had to be up by 5 am to get ready for work, so we planned NOT to stay up until midnight.  I got up with him this morning, which is rare for me.  When I get up for work, he always gets up to make me breakfast and see me off.  He's sweet like that, and has taught me how to truly show love and devotion (although 5am is really hard for me compared to my 7am wake up time).

2018 started out still rather chaotic from the year before.  Spaceman had moved in with us in September of 2016 and by mid-winter that year, his alcoholism had come to light - and I was devastated.  It was a degree of that kind of chaos that 2018 was still enduring when it started.  He had already been taking naltrexone and following TSM (The Sinclair Method) for several months by then, but he was still struggling through the process.  In February, it came to another head and we both figured out what the real problem was, and he put an end to it finally (vodka).  Because of TSM and nal, he was able to arrive to a point where he could make a decision to permanently give that up, implement it, and be able to resist temptation.  That was early February 2018.  

So to me, 2018 was a really GOOD year.  I don't care what was going on in the political arena, what truly mattered to us, was us, and we were making great progress towards coming back around to our center together.  

Soon there were months of success that he tucked behind him into our past.  As the peace piled up, then came the healing and trust returning.  We hardly ever argue anymore.  There simply isn't anything to argue about.  And if one of us feels strongly about something, we know how to stay centered in how we go about discussing the topic with each other.  I'm very thankful for a calm, rational, sensitive, considerate best friend and lover.  He was just hung up on some baggage that wouldn't let go of him no matter how hard he had tried to get rid of it.  Together we conquered, and for that we are eternally grateful.  There is a bond now, even though it was already epic in our eyes before, that is forged through the kind of fire that irrevocably unites us.  

This is the kind of Love I had been searching for all my life; and he, I.

And now, our future seems bright and exciting.  We are taking care of business so to speak and making small everyday progress towards our goals.  It feels so good.  :)

2019 is the year we can finally start plugging the little holes in our boat so that our plan starts to float.  I guess you could say 2018 we repaired the largest hole lol, but 2019 is going to resolve the little things - such as home repair projects, budget concerns, fine-tuning gardening strategies (as always), and continuing our "jump from the nest" coaching for the kids (19, 19 & 22).  My own two are continuing along nicely, each at their own pace.  The third is my daughter's boyfriend who came to live with us through circumstances we would rather not talk about (it has nothing to do with pregnancies or anything like that).  His up-bringing, though his mother did her best, was not the same as my kids' upbringing, and he's - let's just say - lacking some initiative in life.  He's a really good person, or we wouldn't have welcomed him to live here, but he's basically jobless and not looking.  There are some health complications that he's citing, but they could be overcome with some minor adjustments, or overcome majorly with some major adjustments.  It's all his choice, but right now he's what I'll call "resting".  He's 19 and simply not adulting as well as my own kids.  Everyone begins adulting at their own rate.  He could be one of my own kids, so to speak.  My own could have been just like that.  In fact, my son threw away a perfectly great paying 1st shift job because he was too immature to take the advice of his elders and simply keep it.  That's a learning experience.  This young man is going through some of his own learning experiences.  And to be frank, I am also going through some learning experiences trying to figure out how to approach him on these topics.  I'm not hard-nosed, so I can't just make demands and set hard boundaries.  I'm more of a circle around and find an acceptable way to enter into negotiations kind of person.  Only, I don't know this person as well as I have known my own kids.  It's a challenge, one I have been putting off and putting off.  So 2019 will also include some additional challenges I did not see having on my plate with regard to our "extra kid".  I think first things first: he needs a driver's license and I am going to have to commandeer some cones and teach him maneuverability and make sure he has plenty of driving practice. Then just get him going in that direction.  I think that's a sensible place to start.  And start I need to do!  I took him in, I should have known what I was taking in, but like with spaceman when he moved in, sometimes people come with certain challenges that we, as loved ones, find ourselves helping to deal with, one way or another.  We love our "extra kid", and so we will do our best to get him adjusted and healthily empty nested as well.

2019 beckons and we are up to the challenges!

Happy 2019 all!!! <3