I know it's "old school" and sh*t to still be blogging about my life like this. But hey, that's just me. Sometimes even a future-centered Aquarius can exhibit old school tendencies. *shrugs*
So, some possible good news:
With Keto, I've gotten off track for a while. My weight has lingered about 4 lbs higher than the lowest I've achieved in this effort. I guess it was bound to happen eventually. But this week I've been working on getting back on track and the body is once again responding.
I think what sealed my downfall was getting sick. Boy was I sick! I can't recall ever calling off work for 4 days in a row before. But yikes, I was seriously bed-ridden sick. I was so darn sick, I am *still* hacking up crap and it's been a couple weeks since the main illness. But... it's clearing nicely, albeit slowly, and I think soon I'll forget all about this ordeal. Or will I???
See, the thing is... my IBS-C seems to be greatly alleviated since I was down and out those 4 days. Whatever "bug" got to me, even though this was a sinus thing and not a digestive tract illness that I went through, it somehow also changed my gut biome to my benefit. (Drainage to gut side effect???)
I don't get it, but the result is fantastic. Though I am now having some digestion upset immediately after eating, my constipation is essentially gone. I can appreciate what's happening now much more than the C in IBS-C. :) So VERY Happy Happy Joy Joy :D And, I hope the changes don't revert back over time... I mean, I am still hacking so maybe this will go away when that goes away??? But still... when IBS-C hit, it hit over the course of 3 weeks back in 2005. So why not reverse in an equally sudden way? I'll be crossing my fingers. I'm so DONE with IBS-C! grr lol
Don't mind all the typos. I think grammar nazis are old school. :D Anyway, I have my fingers crossed for your appraisal to go through and the rest of the move to go well!!