Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Journaling for Self-Improvement

Journaling is the method in which I study my life, looking for areas that need attention while working to both enjoy life and be a better influence.

I sat down to write a letter to spaceman (I'd rip the page out if I sent it) and thumbed through looking for the next empty page.  

I paused briefly on my Living-room-cleaning "To Do List".  I should read back over it to see if I did everything on the list... just for kicks, because I didn't even remember to use the list.  Just having written it in such detail, I recall it better.  I may not convey enough detail, but the awareness, if I'm passionate about it, is deeper than many can imagine.  There's quiz results! haha  I cannot believe that... oh, yeah... that was the "are you a starseed" quiz.  (It says I made the cut.)  If I were... my specialty would be connecting with people to be a better influence for them.  I have also met some souls who have made a better influence on me.  Like is the case with myself, I'm sure... most people who influence me do it on a more singlular aspect of their personality.  Meaning, we are better at being good influences in some areas of life and not so much other areas.  The more areas you are emanating well-being from, the more sage-like you become over lifetime after lifetime.  There have been some amazingly powerful influences in my life.  Some of these hit energetically, most were realized intellectually and applied.  But those energetic waves... those provide the most proof of the nature of existence.  It's amazing the universe(s) we are a part of... it's just a word "universe"... but what does it really mean?  It's the all, the everything in physical (and non-physical) existence, right?  What if it's endless?  What if there is always something inside of something, universes inside universes?  That's exactly how nature is... there are galaxies inside a universe, solar systems inside galaxies, planetary systems (planet plus moons) inside solar systems, ecosystems inside planetary systems, life form systems inside ecosystems, organs or structure systems inside life forms, cells inside organs/structure systems, what's next proton, neutron, electrons... neutrinos, quarks?  but at some point it changes states from matter into energy - a wave.  It's possibility as a wave.  As matter it is manifest.  There is, at least, a transition point... quite like visible light when it reaches the invisible spectrum on either side.  The basic smallest building blocks of life and existence morphs out of phase at that point.  At least, that's how I understand it.  

Anyway, where was I... journaling... Mostly there's tarot readings in my written journal.  My word doc journal I use mostly during work hours, so I can save it to post later.  (I have to really be feeling it to cut into my work day to write.)  There's my blog, this place.  And... there's chats with spaceman... spaceman helps me grow spiritually, too.  Our belief systems are so aligned with one another it's uncanny.  I tell him we are mirrors in so many ways.  What ever we see (we often see it similarly), what ever we talk about or go through together, we learn from one another or because of one another.  In fact, we look forward to that.  It's what we do on our own anyway.  And who would want to join into a relationship with someone when they are so comfortable and efficient on their own?  A relationship should add to your already lit joy.

Right now would be the perfect time for a favorite quote of spaceman's...  if only I could recall it... I won't butcher it, so if I can find it, I'll be back later to include it. 

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