Friday, November 17, 2017

Are You Ready?

The world is right on the edge of a consciousness revolution.

All around us, every day we miss what's most important to remember, that brimming just below the surface of what's presented to us as a mass reality by the news and media outlets, is an underground network of groups and organizations doing what they can, where they can to better the experience of living in the drudgery of today's world.

In a virtual network that has found unlimited real life applications across various cross-sections of the world's population, the internet allows us to mingle with like-minded individuals, transact with ease, and invest in budding projects that represent ideals we believe in.  It's commonplace now, to be moved to donate directly to individual causes while bypassing traditional banking systems and the corruption that often surfaces from board member abuses in more traditional and supposedly "non-profit" organizations.

Let's face it.  Our world is full of corruption, left and right.  There seems to be no corner of existence left where this corruption isn't abundantly apparent.  It's  collective effort is vying to pull us back and keep us entangled in a great struggle just to exist.  

Tonight I sat in on a conference call with a grass-roots organization that I've been involved in for quite some time.  Sadly, I've not been very active, just doing what I do to skate by on my participation level.  There are a variety of reasons I've been lax through the years, but I think among the most prevalent reasons would have to be this sense of fruitlessness, both in the state of the world and in my own ability to be consistent and dedicated on a personal level.  But while I sat in on this call, I heard explanations of initiatives underway that blew my mind in their vision, their scope, and not least of all, their effectiveness of intention.  I heard people who were clearly entirely devoted and making amazing in-roads in penetrating various societal institutions such as healthcare professionals, leaders and professionals in corporations, and teachers.  They are building networks to improve the quality of life for countless individuals, all while increasing their outreach in whatever ways that organically develop through the outreach efforts of its members.

I realized while I was listening in on that call, that as a volunteer in charge of a small corner of social media and technological outreach in my city, my lackadaisical approach to support is actually preventing others from being reached, from receiving the good this organization is offering in the world.  I realized I am a barrier in my position, and it became clear that either I should step up to the plate and do my part or step out of the way so someone more qualified can.

And yet after the initial shame, a certain vigor set in as I thought to myself, wait... isn't my social media page buzzing with likes and activity despite my lack of attention?  It is.  What if I began to take a more active role in disseminating the information and resources at my fingertips?  Could I find the inspiration to dive back in and take back up those reins in ways that I hadn't envisioned previously?  I could.  In fact, I want to!

That didn't mean I would, but my mind and heart are beginning to crystallize in an idea.  I am here for a purpose that is larger than just me, and I finally see a way in which I can carry out that inner directive.  Only, I'm not alone.  A great many of us are here in waves, reaching out and connecting, building networks that vie for attention despite the lack of ready resources to do so.  

I see online user groups devoted to consciousness raising, where people vastly communicate without negative trolls causing drama left and right. Yes, these DO exist!  I see friends who don't want to discuss religion or politics because they just want to get along more than be stressed dealing with strong-willed but opposite-feeling so-callled friends of friends.  I see innovative decentralized cryptocurrencies taking the power away from centralized banking organizations that were methodically put in place to rob us of the value of, and the assets themselves, over time.  I see non-religious and religious spiritual groups teaching methods of connection and inward focus to aid the world in bettering oneself in order to in turn positively affect others we come in contact with on a daily basis.  I see communities forming transparent, uncensored communications through blockchain blogging platforms and online resource-laden project directories bringing forth suppressed technologies and information.

Yes, beneath the suppression, beneath the propaganda of the old media machine and elite banking cartels, there is a bubbling network of consciousness-led initiatives fully formed and integrating society in ever more creative ways.

And when the old ways die back, when they are pruned from encapsulating the parameters of our lives, these organizations will take up the lead in creating the change we've so long wished to see in the world.  

There is a veil of ignorance that is purposefully laid over the majority of the world. That veil is thinning and it's only a matter of a breakdown or two the status quo, the old constructs, that will allow the unseen to be seen, and the masses involved in activities that truly benefit societies the world over, to integrate at an exponential rate.

I want to be a part of that.  

And now, I see the possibility with new eyes.  And I'd better get back on track.  The rest will naturally fall into place.

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