Friday, January 19, 2018

see the otherselves

I miss this place.  As remote of a place to express myself that this often seemed, even it induces nostalgia in me.  

You see, society conspires with varying degrees of complicity, often unwittingly... relentlessly... wrangles us.

You see I didn't say control us.  I said wrangles.  If I would have said controls us and this were FB, people would lash out in comments and everything would still only manage a few interactions anyway, so what's the point?  For someone who craves interaction with otherselves... positive, inquisitive, organic connections with others... well let's just say that my expectations for what humanity is capable of, is pretty high, but vastly unmet this day in age.

The world is changing so fast.  I for one crave less fragmentation, more wholeness.  As I could imagine John Lennon saying, imagine it if you can.

There are so many healing modalities available to us in this world.
And nefarioius influences in affairs all over the world, and beyond, even within... they have a stranglehold over humanity.  Granted this is not true of every group, but factions therein may qualify.  Once you see it in detail, over time, watching events unfold in the news, both mainstream and independent sources... (the very independent sources which mainstream brands fake news) once you see it happening in real time all around you, it really sinks in.  Then you can take a step back and see that the right and left news outlets, both closer to center and furthest apart... they both represent parties and politics that have been used to enforce the milking of humanity's wealth and loosh as we farm cattle.

I have had a GREAT education this past year or two.

And I feel as if I have found my place in this world, my reason for being, if not my method of influence.  Because of this FB self-policing crowd thing... it's TOUGH for those of us with a voice that sings about supposed conspiracies, what the mainstream indoctrinates the masses to ridicule.  It's that same ridicule that holds back those who might otherwise reach out and find their own voice.  Those with a voice are ridiculed and censored, by the algorithms and the users themselves.

Yes, crowd control through brainwashing really happens.  It perpetuates itself.  Crowd control through brainwashing.  Brainwashing through crowd control.  a perfect storm.  Except, that is, when enough people begin to raise up and tip the scales by the hundredth monkey effect, otherwise referred to as the maharishi effect.

And so as you can see... what I WANT to say to the masses, TO WAKE THEM UP... I cannot get through because I am too sensitive in this world with all its red tape and ridicule.

I want to actually enjoy my life.  I want to have meaningful interactions.  I want to heal my body and soul, fuel my mind and follow my passions.

The good news is there are so many groups and initiatives going on around the world that are reaching out and calling this very awakening forth.  They do it through various means, and though some didn't necessarily start out online, the connectivity of all these groups who are now connected up online has been the downfall of the globalist elite.  In fact, it's also the downfall of the reptilian rule, and ultimately of the singularity by means of cosmic timing.

This is why I am here.  This is why many of us incarnated here.  We starseeds are here to bloom.  And it is hard.  Some won't sprout, too laden with barriers.  I all but do sprout and still try and fail.  Writing is part of that for me.  I miss it.  And I miss otherselves I've met through reading sincere comments.  So instead of relating deeply, I try to see the otherselves in as many people I can, wherever I can.  Maybe that will be my hundredth monkey.


  1. For some reason I never got the email with this post in it... How odd! I always read your posts even if I don't comment so I was wondering what you were referring to in the latest post!

    I feel you... I have learned to keep very quiet about these sorts of things. For my own sanity. I'm just too sensitive.

    1. I'm so disgusted by the blatant censorship all in the name of "helping others not be exposed to fake news". Like who is the best judge of that??? No one outside of my own discernment, because anything else is censorship, period. Where is free speech these days?

      Okay, getting down of my high horse now. lol

      Yes, I am to sensitive, too. (But, not like Cancers are.) But still, I do not have a thick enough skin to combat the naysayers. It's disruptive more than productive. No one like to read arguments in comments either. I feel so isolated sometimes. :(

  2. My thinking is so off the wall, especially these days. I can't even write and feel like I've been coherent. lol Too much ground to cover and so hard to go into the details enough. I hope what I say here makes enough sense even though it skims the surface of many topics.

    But yes, I love our friendship, too! I have so much gratitude for the quality friends I have here! Like mindedness soothes my soul. Thank you <3
