Friday, November 17, 2017

Are You Ready?

The world is right on the edge of a consciousness revolution.

All around us, every day we miss what's most important to remember, that brimming just below the surface of what's presented to us as a mass reality by the news and media outlets, is an underground network of groups and organizations doing what they can, where they can to better the experience of living in the drudgery of today's world.

In a virtual network that has found unlimited real life applications across various cross-sections of the world's population, the internet allows us to mingle with like-minded individuals, transact with ease, and invest in budding projects that represent ideals we believe in.  It's commonplace now, to be moved to donate directly to individual causes while bypassing traditional banking systems and the corruption that often surfaces from board member abuses in more traditional and supposedly "non-profit" organizations.

Let's face it.  Our world is full of corruption, left and right.  There seems to be no corner of existence left where this corruption isn't abundantly apparent.  It's  collective effort is vying to pull us back and keep us entangled in a great struggle just to exist.  

Tonight I sat in on a conference call with a grass-roots organization that I've been involved in for quite some time.  Sadly, I've not been very active, just doing what I do to skate by on my participation level.  There are a variety of reasons I've been lax through the years, but I think among the most prevalent reasons would have to be this sense of fruitlessness, both in the state of the world and in my own ability to be consistent and dedicated on a personal level.  But while I sat in on this call, I heard explanations of initiatives underway that blew my mind in their vision, their scope, and not least of all, their effectiveness of intention.  I heard people who were clearly entirely devoted and making amazing in-roads in penetrating various societal institutions such as healthcare professionals, leaders and professionals in corporations, and teachers.  They are building networks to improve the quality of life for countless individuals, all while increasing their outreach in whatever ways that organically develop through the outreach efforts of its members.

I realized while I was listening in on that call, that as a volunteer in charge of a small corner of social media and technological outreach in my city, my lackadaisical approach to support is actually preventing others from being reached, from receiving the good this organization is offering in the world.  I realized I am a barrier in my position, and it became clear that either I should step up to the plate and do my part or step out of the way so someone more qualified can.

And yet after the initial shame, a certain vigor set in as I thought to myself, wait... isn't my social media page buzzing with likes and activity despite my lack of attention?  It is.  What if I began to take a more active role in disseminating the information and resources at my fingertips?  Could I find the inspiration to dive back in and take back up those reins in ways that I hadn't envisioned previously?  I could.  In fact, I want to!

That didn't mean I would, but my mind and heart are beginning to crystallize in an idea.  I am here for a purpose that is larger than just me, and I finally see a way in which I can carry out that inner directive.  Only, I'm not alone.  A great many of us are here in waves, reaching out and connecting, building networks that vie for attention despite the lack of ready resources to do so.  

I see online user groups devoted to consciousness raising, where people vastly communicate without negative trolls causing drama left and right. Yes, these DO exist!  I see friends who don't want to discuss religion or politics because they just want to get along more than be stressed dealing with strong-willed but opposite-feeling so-callled friends of friends.  I see innovative decentralized cryptocurrencies taking the power away from centralized banking organizations that were methodically put in place to rob us of the value of, and the assets themselves, over time.  I see non-religious and religious spiritual groups teaching methods of connection and inward focus to aid the world in bettering oneself in order to in turn positively affect others we come in contact with on a daily basis.  I see communities forming transparent, uncensored communications through blockchain blogging platforms and online resource-laden project directories bringing forth suppressed technologies and information.

Yes, beneath the suppression, beneath the propaganda of the old media machine and elite banking cartels, there is a bubbling network of consciousness-led initiatives fully formed and integrating society in ever more creative ways.

And when the old ways die back, when they are pruned from encapsulating the parameters of our lives, these organizations will take up the lead in creating the change we've so long wished to see in the world.  

There is a veil of ignorance that is purposefully laid over the majority of the world. That veil is thinning and it's only a matter of a breakdown or two the status quo, the old constructs, that will allow the unseen to be seen, and the masses involved in activities that truly benefit societies the world over, to integrate at an exponential rate.

I want to be a part of that.  

And now, I see the possibility with new eyes.  And I'd better get back on track.  The rest will naturally fall into place.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Two Peas in a Pod

That's what we are... two peas in a pod.

We fit snuggled together, wrapped in the same layers of soul.  Our coming here was planned, probably taken on the wildest chance to meet up in space and time.

A massive amount of us came here to this age, to see humanity into the next.  We are Indigos, Crystals, and the like.  We are here with good hearts, strong intentions and beautiful purpose to align our own ascensions with that of the earth and solar system... and all of its inhabitants.

Spaceman, being... well, spaceman... knows all this.  

When I first met him, he spoke of the heavens full of stars.  Back then, he was fascinated with stargazing through his self-guided telescope.  Back then, I was studying astrology, men, and myself.

Looking back on 2005, it's no mystery to me how my friend Liz's death played a role in shaping the rest of my life with spaceman.  But the "with spaceman" part wasn't always clear.


I met Liz in a Conversations with God study group that met in a big name book store.  This was six years prior to meeting spaceman for the first time...  it was 1999 and I was still married to my ex-husband.  I was devouring spiritual book after spiritual book.  You know, it happens in cycles, years full of intellectual absorption of metaphysical concepts... then years of applying in more earnest.  At those CWG study group meetings, we tried to support one another in applying spiritual knowledge to our lives.  Our group grew smaller over the years, from 40 to about 5-7. We got to know one another's struggles in life.  Liz, like many of us, struggled with breaking free from the oppressive nature of the debt-enslaved society.  In 2004 or very early 2005, she and another member of the group had decided to take a spiritual sojourn to Sedona, Arizona.  They went, had incredible experiences, and Liz absolutely fell in love with Sedona.  

She and our friend T had a phase-in-phase-out experience where they lost one another even though they were in the same location.  Sedona is known for its 7 vortexes.  Vortexes are like chakras of the earth.  They are also portals, high energy beams of sort, twisting and turning as they shoot out from the center of the earth.  The point is, the energy was so trippy, they "lost" one another for a minute or two, then phased back to find one another.  Crazy shit.

I remember Liz telling us that story, with T chiming in.  Liz was so awed by Sedona, she decided to give notice at her call center job, pack up, and move across several states to AZ where she didn't know a single soul... and live in Sedona alone.  She was THAT stoked.  There's no way any of us could nor we would have tried to talk her out of it.  In fact, we were all so happy for her, as she found what she truly wanted to do, was wise enough to recognize it, and was taking drastic steps to bring that dream into reality.  She was our hero.  We all encouraged her toward her dreams, as we each did for everyone in the group.

A couple of weeks later, Liz went down to the parking lot in her apartment community and suddenly dropped from a massive stroke while trying to get in her car.  (Thankfully, it didn't happen while she was driving.)  But she never recovered.

She was in a comma when the call came in to have an emergency CWG meeting in the hospital, bedside.  Everyone was there.  We held hands in a circle and said our good byes, encouraging her to release from this life.  Later that or the next day, the doctors pulled the plug.

Liz's death, and her life, leading up to that magical last couple of months... the message was all about going after what you really want, once you find what you truly want in life... That much of the message in Liz's death was apparent to me from the beginning.  "Don't wait your whole life to go after what you want, or you may just keel over from the ripple of it when it does happen.  I decided I want to be alive for quite a while after I know what I want in life.'  I recognized that lesson early on, though the living out of it is much harder than it sounds.

Liz's brothers weren't very close with her, but were good people.  She had 2, and they both agreed to let members of the CWG group, Liz's chosen loved ones, to make end of life decisions, and also, funeral plans.  They also participated with our spiritual ceremonies without fuss, and with genuine sincerity.  It was all very beautiful.  

There were 2 events.  One, a book give-away in a botanical gardens, happened long after we returned.  From where?  From Sedona.  It was decided that since Liz's dream was to live in Sedona, that we would spread her ashes there to honor that dream.

At the time, I was madly in love with spaceman.  And since the occasion wasn't entirely sad... since we aimed to make it a celebration of her life rather than "a funeral", I invited spaceman to meet me out in Sedona and experience the trip with me... we would get a room to ourselves.  So that's what we did.

It turns out... Sedona is one POWERFUL place.  

Those vortexes don't mess around.

You can't see them.  You can't necessarily feel them, at least I couldn't.  I didn't even know how to mediate at that time.  But we sure got proof of them.   I have a photo, taken with my digital camera (they don't have light leaks and even if they did, none of the other photos taken at the same time have this "light leak"), that have pink coming in from both sides but not reaching the center.  We also have the video from the native american healing ceremony (the service we held for her) when the video goes all pixellated for a bit, although there is not a darn thing distorted about the sound in those moments.  

The other "proof" we have is more subjective.  I came home from Sedona completely off kilter in an energetic subtle-body kind of way.  One of my subtle-bodies (auric I assume), was swaying back and forth... for 3 full weeks until I had an energy worker ground me.  It was then that I started experiencing major food intolerances.  It takes some time for food intolerances to build up and express in the body... how much time, depends on the food and systems it affects in the body.  For me, 3 weeks was just enough time to explain my symptoms.  It would take me 10 years or more to learn to (mostly) not crave and give in to those problem foods.

Spaceman had the same kind of thing happen, sudden unexplainable reactions to food that had, up until then, been quite fine to eat in any quantity.  Inexplicable!  And yet, we both experienced it after Sedona.  Coincidence?  We did spend hours amid vortexes over a couple of days' time.  

The energy in and around Sedona had a palatable effect over me while I was there, to the point of feeling so antsy that I was snippy.  I didn't understand what was happening and was desperate to "get a grip on it" or else I feared I would seriously damage my relationship with spaceman.  I wasn't being nice, and I couldn't seem to help it.  I was in over my head there in Sedona.  

Spaceman said the natives told people never to live there, only to visit.  It was like that in Kentucky, too, in case you didn't know (but that's a different subject).  I can seriously confirm: Sedona is INTENSE.

Spaceman and I crashed and burned in Sedona... we were both exploding with fireworks in so many ways, but also falling apart as a couple.  At the same time that I was squirming, I was super magnetized with him.  It was like one minute I was argumentative and the next I was drawn to jumping his bones. lol  Talk about confusion!

All I could identify was I was conflicted and that was not a good place to be in, in a healthy relationship.  I blamed the energy connection out of lack of any other plausible explanation and we went our separate ways after that trip.

I could go on and on about how pivotal that trip to Sedona was for spaceman, too.  Five years later he would part ways from his girlfriend-after-me and move to Sedona, to live.  He has many stories and a super healthy respect for the energies there.

And even though we split as a romantic couple after that trip, we were soon back in contact again through email.  And that's how it went for 11 years... we remained the best of spiritual friends, always cherishing our friendship, always appreciating the honesty and clean-feeling communication we had about the things we each were going through in life.  It was clear, especially to me, that our love, was beyond amazing, beyond ideal... it was too intense to withstand... at least in Sedona, haha (We had very little time together in person overall.)

We were careful to be absolutely platonic, as we each had lovers from time to time... He even LIVED WITH his girlfriend for years while we were pen pals.  But then followed his dreams to live in Sedona.  Just like Liz.  Only spaceman survived it.  

When it became apparent his lessons there were over, he went home to the mountains in Virginia.

Several life events later, we are back together, and it is apparent to both of us:  that first trip to Sedona (because there will likely be another) left us razed as a couple, but it only took away the crud that stood between us. After we each worked through personality quirks and ego-driven tendencies (that probably would have been in the way between us even if we hadn't gone to Sedona and were magnified in a short period of time while in Sedona)... after we each cleaned up our acts, so to speak, then we could be together.  And now, we are.

And as soon as we got back together, the energy has shifted and the veils have lifted, for me at least (they were already open for him by then), and we both better understand why we are here, why now, and why we are together while we are here.  We understand a good deal more about our purpose, and it seems to be inextricably intertwined with one another.  We are twin flames.  We are old souls.  We are seeded here from other world civilizations to be here now, to love the crap out of one another and to follow our dreams, leading the way for others.  

How exactly we do that, tastes so delicious in mere mixing of it, that we just cannot imagine anything less than getting what we want and making a wonderful life of it.  

Soon: a vision board.  The board it already bought.  Just need dreams. ;)

Sunday, May 07, 2017


Sunday mornings may be my favorite.  It's easy to discount weekdays, because, well: work.  And Saturdays are often just as good as a Sunday, but Sundays have a magic all their own.  Let's just chalk it up to less commitments and less shopping hours in the day.  It's the last day of the weekend before the work-week cycle restarts, and I for one am trying to make the most of it.  And to me, that means getting in as much R&R as I can, doing things that are regenerative to my spirit.

That doesn't always work out in entirety.  Sometimes I must squeeze in a task or two, like today.  Today I need to spend some time over at my parent's house where the food is being stored (not enough space here) for my daughter's high school graduation party in two weeks.  We need to season, patty, and individually freeze hamburgers.  We're also preparing some "chicken on the stick", so those need to be skewered as well, and frozen.  

But other than that, I'm not quite sure how I will spend my day... but I do know who I will spend it with: spaceman of course. <3

The backyard is our refuge, so I'll probably look to see what other things I can tackle in order to spend some time more time out there.  

Right now we have 4 yellow cherry tomato plants and 6 collard greens in individual pots, plus 6 plastic "egg cartons" with seeds.  We're kind of late getting those started, but we figure, better late than never.  And besides, if they don't do well (the seeds) then we can always just buy some starter plants at the store.  But... if the seeds kick ass, then that's avoided.

One of my egg cartons is full of giant sunflower seeds.  I plan to plant the majority of them out front in the landscaping near the house.  I hope they grow up to be magnificent giants and awe the neighbors.  Maybe some will think it gawdy, but I will take great delight in those "flowers".  Mine will just be bigger than the average joe's. hehe  

There's also a few bare spots this year in the hedges around my back yard fence.  Those hedges are rose-a-sharon that are easily 10 ft tall.  The giant sunflowers will fill in the spaces, reclaiming our privacy in full.  I hope to get my crap together enough to learn how to grow some rose-a-sharon from seed or whatever other method I discover is best.  Then by next fall or spring (whenever I learn is best), I'll plant them where the sunflowers were.  It won't help with next year's privacy, but... I can only do what I can do.

Spaceman has determined our plans for things we want to grow is too big for even our new enlarged garden space, so he's going to get out the tiller yet again and extend it. lol  Since I started gardening, that garden (I have a few) was 10 ' x 10', and he has already increased it to 20' x 20'.  But yeah, it's going to have to go bigger.  We want too much!!  Last night we were discussing it and he said (again), "We need a small farm."  This conversation forked off into several tangents, as per our usual.

To me, gardening is the one thing I can do that the oppressive debt-driven society has no effective control over.  And it makes dents in so many other aspects life that are damaged and not thriving well at all.  Gardening does these things that motivate me to do it:

  • Growing chemical-free food - as much as possible - depends on neighbors practices, too - mine don't seem to spray their lawns thankfully.  Can't avoid chemtrail fallout.
  • Eat healthier - It's fresher, in season, can be preserved, stocked. And it gets me eating more veggies than processed, boxed, frozen, or slaughtered food.
  • Saves money - not buying it from the big-box store
  • Be active - gardening is hard physical work sometimes!  Beats slaving away on machines while watching TV at the gym.
  • Recharges energy - garden barefoot or just being outdoors, either way, there is something about being outdoors that is spiritually regenerative.  This cannot be understated.
  • Produces vitamin D - just being in the sun helps your body produce it's own Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is said to be a huge help in keeping cancer at bay.
  • Apocalypse skills - yep, I'm just going to say it. It's only partially in jest.  My son says this gardening skill stuff is what has earned me a spot on his zombie apocalypse team, it was iffy before that. lol  Joking aside, come some 1929-like famine, farming skills, which are currently generations lost, would make the single most largest difference in quality of life for a while.
That's just off the top of my head.  I *really* enjoy gardening with my best friend and love of my life, spaceman.  He's so much better at it than I am, he says "from experience".  And that is what I lack, being from the suburbs and him being from Appalachia.  Certain traditions have been kept through the generations in areas that are more traditional in expression.  Appalachia, though also changing, has retained some of that knowledge and skills of living closer with the land, and thankfully passed it on to him, who is passing it on to me.

Someday in the next however many years... we will move to an acre or two of good land for a small homestead.  Cannot wait!

Monday, February 27, 2017

It's Begun

It doesn't feel weird to say this, but I think so many of us are going through a quickening of one variety or another.  As fast and all consuming it drives each of our own attention, it's rather amazing to witness what I am seeing.

For me, the whole thing is wrapped up in my own rising consciousness.  It's funny... ironic, to look back and know that at one point, all the levels at which I have come to peel back the layers of the veils that keep us under control, quite literally as David Wilcock termed, "free range slaves".

My layoff in 2011 ensured I hit bottom so that I could rise like a phoenix into the midst of a world-wide, hell solar system-wide, mass ascension event.

Yes. I am keenly aware of how absurd that very likely sounds to you.  But the thing is... I bet it doesn't sound as outlandish today as it did 10 years ago.  How about 20 years ago?  

The world is changing.  CONSCIOUSNESS is changing.  We truly are infinite intelligence experiencing itself in duality.  The holographic or simulated marcrosm to microsm.  From base to pineal gland, we are arising.  We are reaching critical mass.  The powers that control us are themselves fracturing and turning on one another.  Revelations are coming.  Funny how they call it the book of revelations.  That's just another way of saying that the populace will reach critical mass in their understanding.  Spaceman could tell you all about biblical symbologies and relate them to the stars and planets in the sky.  

The history of our solar system is fascinating.  You wouldn't believe it if I tried to tell you.  It's THAT outrageous.  But every person on this planet deserves to know.  THAT much, I do know.  It's just, we each discover these things on our own, and at our own pace.  Only... right now... now is the time.  

With the mainstream media control structures crumbling, "tin foil hat conspirists" will be taken more seriously by all, because when the world knows they have been dupped, and to such a degree, they will begin to think even more critically.  Eventually the pieces will form enough of a picture to where the understanding, however bleak, of how the elite has been controlling us, will gel in the minds of the masses.  It is only a matter of time before we take our own free and creative wills back as a humanity.

For probably a year now, I've been deep diving into full disclosure.  It's time to open up a bit about it, be brave to discuss it and stuff... you know, be the me that I AM, authentically.  Knowing about all this and living like societal norms dictate... it's part of what's wrong with society.  Those of us who know, are going to start speaking up more.  It's time.  The world is waking up.  We are realizing what's really going on... and demanding better.  

In order to walk my talk... I need to do that more transparently, rather than despite my interactions with others.  This is what will spread further awareness in the world.  There's so much to save and heal.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Journey

The journey is never a straight road.

No matter how well you travel with another, there will be challenges along the road.

This is life, life's ebb and flow.  It's in how you respond that you have some effect towards a positive outcome... or, a negative one.  That's life.  We learn this through trial and error.  When you travel the road of life with another, you must navigate in such a way that you each are flexible with one another's exploration of Self.  Your life path will unfold, and when it unfolds together, to orchestrate it and be foreseen.... it's immensely sweet unfolding.  Every disagreement, deeper understanding gained.  
But to find this, we must understand:

Love is self love, too.  It's not just the other, it's you TOO.  When you embody love, you in good faith naturally explore how to honor your Self, as it is revealed to you, lifetime to lifetime.  Your Self (not self) will align with cosmic expressions, holographic, non-linear.  But, here, as starseeds/wanderers to help usher in a new age, a new earth as earth itself ascends.  

That is a path to know your Self.  There are many other paths.

I feel so incredibly lucky to have met, and re-met, spaceman.  He's an incredibly fascinating soul.  Our conversations never end.  Good stuff.  Juicy stuff.  real stuff. life stuff.  mystical stuff.  sexy stuff. wanderer stuff.

But every couple has their misunderstandings, or off nights; they need room to be human.  

We also need room to be starseeds.  Why starseeds?  It's a good question and the many answers can lift the veil of mass control and lead to a consciousness revolution.  And that's exactly what's happening right now.  There are many of us here at this time.  We find it abborrent at what's being done to us, to so many more than just us...

The answers are potent, but it's a long rabbit hole you cannot come back from.  You cannot not know something you now know.

Monday, January 30, 2017

My Superpower

I seem to have a moral compass that is finely tuned.  It’s high-minded and inclusive.  It’s also compassionate and can ride a hard-line between highly specific, customized insights -  personalized for each person in the moment they are receiving it from me - and downright slammed like a sledgehammer on concrete.

Because of this... let's just call it a personality trait... I try to never give anyone reason to rightfully swing such a hammer on me.  Though I am far from perfect, I do aim to be vigilant and spiritually aligned in this way.

One one hand, what I say can come across as the most understanding, gentle and timely intuitive words… words that gently find fissures and cracks in thought processes in the most understated ways.  But on the other hand, if you cross me or someone I love in a repetitive pattern a couple times or more, I will bring the hammer down hard in the most concise and direct way as I can at the time (once in a while, hind-sight kicks my own ass).  Though I will always try to do it in the least messy way, sometimes a message can be delivered with a great, concise purpose and do it best through the birthing process of emotional pain.  Finding that particular fissure in the cracks between too little and too much is always a HUGE risk.  I have lost friends and lovers this way.  I have even lost family members for periods of time.

Though it is nearly always a deeply deliberated response, I stress greatly over this and understand the risks to the best I can muster.  Always by this point, my intellect-backed intuition is SCREAMINGand demanding imminent  attention.  And to clarify, I said “’nearly always’ a deliberate response”, because sometimes – it’s rare, but it does happen – I am blind-sided by an encounter and my tell-it-like-it-really-is, high-moral, argumentative self can pierce armor like the best of the best in a fraction of a second.  Because people cannot take what they hear, I have been beaten physically for this, mostly when I was younger.  (Childhood fights)  Thankfully, I have mostly avoided this as an adult (not entirely).  I once had my nose shattered.  I take it as a sign of being cared for by my spirit guides and the universe in general, that I had no pain despite that shattering, and even required no nasal packing after reconstructive surgery, and no pain management medication.

That is the extreme.  Usually words are enough and people either initially recoil from the shock (I’m usually rather docile) and then return after a period of time to discuss insights mulled over, or they cannot be reached and we are finished relating hence forth.  But one thing I do know… those encounters are not likely ever forgotten – and probably – irregularly revisited in memory for the rest of their lives.  In those situations, when our relationship is severed, I trust that time will reveal relevant truths, to them, and to me.

I’m not afraid to be wrong.  And if I am, and that person is reasonable, I will likely apologize for my own transgressions even if they never do.  Kindness, compassion, and reconciliation are also potent lessons lying in wait for revelation to strike like lightning.

Those memes where it says, “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness”… that’s me.  I’m the bestest friend you may ever know, if you are open enough to relate deeply and life takes us in that particular direction.  I will seem like a bit of a push-over from time to time.  That is me giving space for you to be you, and you to sort out your own pieces.  I’m there to listen.  I’m there to mirror.  I’m there to enjoy our friendship/relationship.  I will support your own unique process and do it at the pace at which it feels organic to you.

But if you hurt me, or those I love… I WILL NOT be afraid to call you out on it, and you may not like the experience of it.

That said…. When someone responds with, “I’m sorry. I understand.”  POWERFUL HEALING – of both parties - can be born.

This is my superpower.  I own it, and I wield it with care.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Gaining Altitude

Change has been in the air.  It occurred to me that while spaceman is busy doing what he loves to do - creating wiggle room in my life, creating space - I can relax more since I have less run-around to do.  

He doesn't like when I do the dishes, not because I do them poorly, but because he considers that his job.  It's nice.  When I come home from work, dinner is taken care of.  Every day, the dishes are kept up.  A week before he moved in, our dishwasher broke down.  I haven't missed the thing and don't intend on getting it fixed any time soon since he prefers to wash the dishes by hand.

All these years our family nemesis has been that giant sink full of dishes.  Then practically overnight, it's a non-issue.  Now when I cook, it's because I feel inspired.  Usually that's breakfast on the weekend.  

With my newfound free time, I've taken up painting.  Of course, I'm painting a sunset, based off one of my own photos.  It's amazingly fun, and turning out fairly decent. <3

I've also been waking up earlier, not to get to work any earlier, but to do hatha yoga and meditation before work.  Combining that with eating less meat and more salads, my sleep quota is coming down.  I think I'm on an astonishing 3 or 4 day streak of waking up before my alarm goes off.  It even happened one day when I set it an hour early.  This is unheard of for me.  

If I dream at night, the first thing I do upon waking is record them in an app on my phone.  So far, I haven't taken the additional time to analyze them, but some are getting interesting, including one dream with a multitude of armadillos - not an everyday dream symbol.  Oh! And the other day, I dreamed I was flying!!!  I cannot recall the last time I flew in my dreams.  Flying has always been something I do when in higher spirits.  It's a very good omen.

What I haven't been doing is going out drinking (except my work Christmas party *ahem*) or spending much time with friends... time that was usually filled with less sober activities.  I'm not toking it up daily, or even weekly for that matter.  I'm kind of a different me, but the same.  I like it, especially the deeper sleep part.  Knowing exactly how bad insomnia has affected me through the years, I'm always so very thankful not to have it anymore.  

Oh, and I made so many changes, I accidentally found myself 3 days into a no-caffeine binge...  I didn't mean to.  I guess I just felt alert enough and didn't think to drink any.  Go figure.  But rest assured, I broke that trend with a cup of green tea after having lunch with a co-worker and eating a potato based lunch, which made me sleepy.

All this and it wasn't exactly smooth waters when I first started out.  I just kind of threw myself, purposefully, into a whole host of changes at once.  In the past I've been careful not to bite off more than I could chew.  But it occurred to me that while that strategy might have seemed wise in the past, now it just seemed like all it may have done was not change enough and leave me too close to unchanged, which leads to relapse of old bad habits.  So I decided to bite off more than I would normally attempt to chew.  Maybe it's the leaving behind of a great many old habits, to cleave myself to the new.... but I also know that without spaceman's efforts to alleviate some of my normal load, I'm sure this would have all come crashing down on me a week or less into it.  

Instead, I'm starting to fly again in my dreams. <3