Sunday, September 16, 2018

Ease & Effort

Most of my effort on this WOE (way of eating, rather than "diet") is incurred on the weekend.  While in so many ways, this WOE is easy-peasy, delicious & nutritious the weekends are consumed with food prep.  

Friday evening I try to get my daughter to send me some recipes she's interested in, and I print out a couple main dish recipes and a couple dessert recipes.  I've pretty much given up on also making a couple side dish recipes.  These recipes I have to go through to see what ingredients I need, and put them on the grocery list, complete with amounts.  We gave up on side dishes.  It got to be too much.  But no worries, I keep plenty of veggies on hand for that.  We do garden and spaceman cans or vacuum seals and freezes most of it.  You could say he and I spend the majority of our time together either in the kitchen or in the garden, or tuckered out sleeping. lol

But it's enjoyable.  I feel so good eating this way, and weight is just gradually dropping off.  That's the part that feels so easy-peasy.  I don't go to the gym.  I don't eat diet food. I eat really yummy, homemade dishes.  And, they're usually portioned out for a quick grab from the fridge in the morning so I can take it to work and reheat & eat it. Easy!

But these weekends... Saturday ends up being grocery day.  I usually go several places.  

  1. Whole foods for specialty health food items such as Lily's Chocolate Chips (keto-friendly), any supplements I need, and sometimes organic veggies (though most I can get at my regular grocery)
  2. A local farm for fresh eggs
  3. Dollar Tree for things like zip lock bags 
  4. Aldi's for grass fed meats, organic milk & cheese, avocados, some frozen pizzas for the boys, sometimes some frozen fish for us, and toilet paper.  
  5. Kroger for Zevia Cherry Cola, mmm mm!
  6. Meijer for the rest.
It's a pain.  While I go to Whole Foods probably only every other week and during my lunch break at work, the rest happen weekly since being on Keto.

Then Sunday, it's cooking day.  For instance, today I have 6 recipes, plus one I can't make until 24 hours after one of the other recipes is done.  
  • Shredded Chicken Chili - my daughter's main dish
  • Cheesy Steak Fajita Rolls - my main dish
  • Smoked Beef Jerky - just an extra thing I want to try
  • Raspberry Jelly (sugar free jam, that goes in meatballs recipe)
  • Pumpkin Roll with Cream Cheese - Ashley's dessert
  • Buckeyes (aka to non-Ohioans: Peanut butter balls) - my dessert
  • Slow Cooker Meatballs - another dish my daughter wanted (I spoil her)
I think she gets off work at 6:30 pm, and rest assured, I'll still be going at this and she can help at that point.  In fact, I'm sure I'll still be at it until time to retire to the double recliner out on the back deck and sit with spaceman where we'll talk about the state of the world while we scan the skies for satellites, and aerial phenomenon of the unidentified sort.


  1. OMG but that pumpkin roll.
    ps I am at one of a few grocery stores several times a week. And I also go where I go based on which has the best price. Soooo much produce...

  2. ps many moons ago at saraswati yoga i learned a phrase: stirum sukham asanam that yoga teacher expressed the meaning as effort without tension. more recently some yoga teachers say it as effortless effort. that doesn't totally jive with me. but i do understand that words cannot capture the flow we go and do not resist the dance. this post reminds me of that.

    1. I think I get what you're saying here. And spaceman really has this down pat. He says that at some point he realized he was always rushing what he was doing so that he could get to the next thing that needed doing. And from that he decided to just be present and put his energy fully into what he was doing in the now rather than constantly thinking about future things needing done and rushing everything. He says he found a kind of peacefulness that allowed him to cherish what he was doing, do it well, and thoughtfully put a lot of good ju-ju into it. Thinking about the future constantly just leaks precious good energy all over the place. This present moment way, he packs all the good vibes into what he's doing and it reminds me of what you were saying here "effort without tension". I love it. I'm not very good with it myself, but life's a work in progress :) Thanks for the reminder.

    2. Drive by hugs to you today. xo
